您所在的位置: 首页» 资讯» 学术动态» [通知]北京师范大学2021“京师国际暑期学堂”项目之一“国际人道与可持续发展创新者计划”


【课程形式 Teaching mode】


Synchronous live teaching & Offline conference in BJ & Field trip in Nanjing City.


【线上直播课时间 Synchronous live teaching】

  • 2021 年 8 月 2 日,北京时间:19:00pm 会议号:81263058139 密码:814900

2nd, August, Beijing time: 19:00pm; Zoom Session: 81263058139; Password: 814900

  • 2021 年 8 月 31 日,北京时间:19:00pm 会议号:89479096922 密码:191746

31, August, Beijing time: 19:00pm; Zoom Session: 89479096922; Password: 191746


【参与方式 Participation approach】

线上直播课使用 Zoom 平台,线下研讨会向所有境内报名学员开放。

Zoom session for synchronous live teaching and offline conference in Beijing will be accessible to applicants in China.


【项目语言 Program language】


English with Chinese subtitles


一、项目介绍 (Program Overview)

2020 年新冠肺炎肺炎疫情(COVID-19)全球爆发后,各国社会更加迫切需要对于危机应对的知识分享和协力共建的教育网络。因此,国际人道与可持续发展创新者计划”(以下简称“HDI 计划”)在 UNDP、WHO、UNOCHA、UNV、哈佛大学、国际志愿机构理事会(ICVA)、基金会救灾协调会(CNCDRR)、全球大学责任网络(USRN)等机构的支持下,联合红十字会与红新月会国际联合会(IFRC)、红十字国际学院(IARC)、北京平澜公益基金会、华中师范大学、深圳国际公益学院以及京师慕华—学堂在线技术平台共同推出在线应对方案——“HDI 全球在线学堂”(HDI-Global Online Academy),主要面向人道援助和可持续发展等相关领域的海内外优秀学者、从业人员,充分发挥丰富国际机构的丰富专家学者资源,通过学术讲座、主题讨论、导师指导、学员展示、以及参观学习等多种形式,帮助学员开拓学术视野,奠定相关领域基础知识,促进国际学术交流与合作,从而为相关领域的长期有机发展预备坚实力量。


Due to the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic, it is more urgent for the nations and societies to joint the hands to build the educational network for knowledge sharing upon risk governance and management as well as humanitarian assistance.

Organizers: UNDP, WHO, UNOCHA, UNV, China International Center for Economic and Technical Exchanges, Harvard University, ICVA, CNCDRR, USRN, IFRC, IARC, Pinglan Charity Foundation, Central China University, China Global Philanthropy Institute, Beijing Jingshimuhua educational online platform.

Organizers in Nanjing City: UNESCO, UNESCO(China), Jiangsu Provincial Propaganda Dept., Nanjing Provincial People’s Government

Target Group: Talented overseas young scholars, practitioner engaged in risk governance,humanitarian assistance and sustainable development or related research, and international students from related universities


Objectives of the HDI-GOA

This program is design to:

  • Broaden students’horizon via lectures, oral presentations, field trip learning

  • Building a solid foundation for students interested in humanitarian and sustainable development studies

  • Facilitate international academic exchange and cooperation and cultivate the potential backbone for developing the related fields mentioned above.



二、项目内容 (Content, TBD)

1. 在线课堂:项目采用线上直播(全球)和线下主会场讲座(北京师范大学)相结合的授课形式,在线课堂分为3个主要模块,模块一:《理解传染病、风险与可持续发展》,模块二:《支持社区风险治理》,和模块三:《社区韧性与发展》。学员需在参加开幕式后,完成线下录播课的学习内容。

Synchronous live teaching mode: The program will combine the synchronous live teaching mode with face-to-face classroom leaning approach, which aims to create a strong sense of presence and high interactivity. Three modules are as follow: Module1: Understanding risks and sustainable development; Module2: Support the community risk governance and Module3: Community resilience development. Applicants should complete the recorded courses after participating the two synchronous live teaching classes.


2. 线下讨论:为保证课程效果,特增设2次线下讲座,提供学员面对面交流的机会,通过与在线直播课堂连线等方式增加与国际专家的互动,为学员在学习录播课程中出现的问题及时答疑,有效提升学习成果转化。

Face-to–face classroom learning: In order to ensure the quality of teaching, there will be 2 times of offline lectures in Beijing. One is for providing the students with opportunities to communicate with each other in person, and another is for knowledge enhancement via live connection with international experts, solving the problem timely during the after-class learning. To maximum achieving the knowledge transformation.


3. 南京实践:研学方行知——南京访学实践课。该研学课程旨在催化学员理论知识向实际应用的转化实践。学员通过参加第九届南京历史文化名城博览会,参访南京“一城一河”城市风貌,对话南京“文学之都”城市空间,体验南京非遗手工艺创新成果展示,听取国内外顶尖学术专家关于可持续发展的先进理念,运用“实地调研+论坛学习+互动体验”的形式,达到沉浸式的学习效果。

Field trip in Nanjiing City for 3 days. This filed trip class can facilitate the transformation of theoretical knowledge into practical knowledge. Participants can take apart in the 9th World Historical and Cultural City Expo in Nanjing City, visiting the city landscape of “One River Water in City”, having dialogue in the city space, and experience the practical results exhibition of intangible cultural heritage handicrafts, meanwhile having the chance to learn the advanced theories on sustainable development from the leading experts all over the world. In conclusion, achieving the immerse-learning effect through the collaborative educational approach of applying the field trip, forum participation and interactive communication.



See Project Agenda on Attachment 1.


三、报名方式 (Application)



1. 报名申请表(请见《附件1》);

2. 护照首页(仅外籍学员提供);

3. 个人简历(一页纸)。


Please send the following information via email to ssdpp-ia @bnu.edu.cn before 17:00 on 31, July, 2021 with the format as “School name/ Employment institutions+ Chinese/English name” e.g. “Beijing Normal University+ Angela”

1. Application form (Attachment 1);

2. Passport copy of first page;

3. CV in one page.