主讲人:Hyeonbae Kang,韩国科学技术院院士
主题:Singular functions, Analysis of stress concentration, and more
When two hard inclusions are located close to each other, the gradient of the solution becomes arbitrarily large in the region in between them as the distance between them tends to zero. This phenomenon is known as stress concentration in theory of composites and field enhancement in electromagnetism or imaging sciences. There has been significant progress in understanding the gradient blow-up in last two decades or so. In this talk I review such development, particularly asymptotic analysis of the blow-up using singular functions.
Hyeonbae Kang,韩国科学技术院院士,仁荷大学数学系Jungseok讲座教授,2014年国际数学家大会(2014 International Congress of Mathematicians)组委(执委)成员和竞选委员会成员。Kang教授本科和硕士分别于1982年和1984年毕业于首尔国立大学,1989年获得美国威斯康星大学-麦迪逊分校的数学博士学位。曾担任首尔国立大学教授、通识教育院副院长,韩国数学会秘书长,2008年加入韩国仁荷大学数学系任Jungseok讲座教授,2011年至今担任应用数学所所长。其主要研究领域包括复合材料中的偏微分方程,反问题及数学成像,谱分析,渐进分析等,在复合材料中的Babuska问题方面做出了许多重要的工作。Kang教授曾获韩国科学奖(总统奖)、韩国最佳研究论文奖,最佳学术成就奖等荣誉。