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[预告]12.18 讲座:Keystroke Log信息分析英文写作过程



主题:Analyzing Writing Processes Using Keystroke Logs


目前越来越多的研究对数字化写作评估测验(digital writing assessments)中的Keystroke Log信息进行分析,基于写作过程(writing processes)的结果和反馈不仅能够提升传统只报告一个测验分数的报告方式,还能够为考官提供关于考生更加丰富和有针对性的信息。此次讲座将讨论如何使用基于Keystroke Log收集到的过程性特征(process features)等信息来理解学生的英文写作能力。为了对该技术现状进行相应的概述,将介绍其中一些较为完整的研究,其中一个研究是结合过程性特征和结果特征(抽取于自动评分系统)来预测考生的写作表现。There is a growing literature on the analytics and use of keystroke logs in digital writing assessments. The results and feedback based upon writing processes can not only enhance traditional score reports, which may contain only a single score, but also provide the test users with much targeted and rich information about the test takers. This workshop will discuss the use the process features collected from keystroke logs in understanding students’ English writing proficiency. To give an overview of the state-of-the-art, this workshop will describe several completed research studies including one on the effectiveness of using process features in combination with product features (extracted from automated scoring system) to predict writing performance.




报名方式:请于12月17日上午11:00前发送报名信息(姓名、单位、联系方式+报名参加基于Keystroke Log信息分析英文写作过程讲座)至中心短期课程邮箱 xt_workshop@bnu.edu.cn